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Traveler Comfort: Up 3X
Policy Compliance: Up 95%
T&E Management Costs: Down 95%
ROI: Big Up
Plan your entire business trip with a few quick clicks in your phone.

Air, Rail & Road Travel, Hotels, Restaurants, Reviews

Airfare drops, Probability of flight delay, Check in queues

Rating of aggregated options by traveler preference, Documentation requirement/expiry tracking

Door-to-Door itinerary in a single app, Auto identification of better deals after booking or ticketing, Forex & cash advances, Single click approvals, Single screen approval tracking, Automated Policy Compliance
Completely hassle free travel
- Save Time: Auto check-in, Airport maps, Lounge access & booking, Single click re-booking in case of delays or cancellations
- Personalization: Frequent flier miles, Baggage tracking, Preference based seat selection
- Safety: Instant alerts on risks at destination, Predictive reports basis the latest developments
- Expense Management: Auto logging of card expenses, Real time logging of receipt photographs, Real time spend vs budget tracking, Forex management

Post Trip
- Auto filed expense report immediately filed.
- All expenses across travel and non travel spend collated by trip and auto-logged into an ERP real time.
- Accruals to each vendor visible real time.
- GST input credit can be availed.
- VAT in foreign locations refunded within 1 month
- Traveler feedback gathered into feedback.
- Analytics updated real time.